My love of linen

My love of linen

I have a deep love for linen.  I like how it moves, feels and breathes.  The look of a rumpled linen shirt affirms to me that the wearer cares about comfort and provenance.  Although the wrinkles would drive some crazy, I see the purity of 

Knit and think

Knit and think

Pick up your knitting and release your thoughts to the rhythmic meditation of your needles.    

Wedding at Notre Dame

Wedding at Notre Dame

On a recent trip to Paris, I came across a young couple who had just been married at Notre Dame.  What could be more classically romantic.    

White and Light

Consider the lovely light cast on this beautiful display of ceramic tableware.  Shadows and soft white of Astier de Villatte in Paris.  Love their collection!  

Maison et Objet-Paris

Maison et Objet-Paris

Just a few inspiring images from one of my visits to Maison et Objet, Paris.    

Cleaning and Clementines

Cleaning and Clementines

I am deep into a clean and purge mode.   Unessential stuff has to pass a very high sentimentality bar to remain in my household inventory. Consumables like clementines definitely stay as they are the perfect, compact, portable, sweet treat, and oh so, cheerful looking.  No 

Sugared Apples

Sugared Apples

Just finished up this lovely little square platter in my pottery class.  Hope to have happy Christmas dreams of sugared apples.

Remember to sit and think

Remember to sit and think

Remember to find time to sit and think

Nearly winter at the shore

Nearly winter at the shore

Not quite winter, but so desolate and calming to visit the shore when no one is there.