

Craving some sun on this first day of spring.  This little yellow scooter I spotted last summer parked in front of the Chatham Beach & Tennis Club definitely gives the right vibe.

Painting Inspiration

Painting Inspiration

Haven’t done much painting lately aside from my kitchen walls and woodwork here and there which does not allow for much escapism except for a tea break every so often. The views to the sea in Newport, Rhode Island have inspired me to pull out 

Beyond the Gate

Beyond the Gate

As I noodle around on my bike, I pass all sorts of interesting properties and wonder about the world inside the gates. Wouldn’t this be a fantastic driveway to turn into each day? Then drive on to this lovely stone farmhouse.  I could whittle away 

Scooter dreams

There was something about this scooter parked by the side porch of a Newport, Rhode Island victorian home that grabbed me.  Perhaps somewhat vicariously I wish that had a scooter to bop about town, but my practical side realizes that just isn’t the right transportation 

Friday-full of potential

Friday-full of potential

I have always loved Fridays as they represent so much opportunity to me.  A few days off, time to catch up, be lazy, or productive.  Although it’s damp and dreary here today, I will make the best of a treasured Friday. Good weather for making 

Peonies make me happy today

Peonies make me happy today

After so much tragic news in the press, I am on a mission to take a moment to acknowledge what makes me happy today. Love these peonies.  Love this vase.  Love that I can appreciate both and have a roof over my head.  Safe from 

Never again?

Never again?

Trying to figure out why bad things happen has been an age old question that will never be answered.  Why? Why then? Why there?  Why was I spared while others were not?  I can’t sort that out, no one can. I can’t get my head 

Safe at Home

After the events in Boston last week the notion of safe at home seems to be a bit shaky. Much of world deals with fear, uncertainty and doubt every day. Hard to fathom that our little city of patriots, students, immigrants, liberals and conservatives living 

Rabbit Rabbit

Rabbit Rabbit

On the first day of each month the first words I utter to anyone are “Rabbit Rabbit”.  I have done this for years and have been told it brings good luck for the month.  So I’ll try anything that is so simple and might bring 

Say yes

Given that this is the day after Valentine’s Day, I am not referring to the marriage proposal.  My two cents are about everyday issues that we confront. Say yes to the offer to serve on a board of an organization that does work which truly